Our business location

Liechtenstein is not only a successful financial center, but an internationally successful business location where many global players have their headquarters. Liechtenstein companies are leading market players worldwide in dental technology, the automotive industry, the construction industry or in the field of optical coatings. However, the backbone of Liechtensteins industry is formed by the many small and medium-sized businesses that are based here.


The Liechtenstein business location has grown so much in the past decades that it now offers more jobs than the country has inhabitants. Over half of the employees commute from their place of residence abroad across the border to their workplace in Liechtenstein every day.


Inhabitants: 38.572

Area: 160 km2


A simple, Europe-compliant tax law and the location in the heart of Europe cannot be dismissed as location advantages. In addition to industry, financial and fiduciary services have traditionally been the second most important economic sector.


Financial center

The professional and innovative financial center is an important part of our economy. As a safe harbour in the heart of Europe, Liechtenstein is predestined for financial services. The financial center, which employs around 6,000 people, is characterised by free access to the markets - both in Switzerland and the EU -, economic and political stability and high privacy standards.



Liechtenstein’s financial services providers and their clients benefit from political continuity and economic stability. Analysts at Standard & Poor’s confirm the country's high attractiveness. They have for years awarded Liechtenstein an AAA rating, and underscore the stable outlook. In addition, the small debt-free state stands for a traditionally liberal economic system and a lean government apparatus. At 24 percent, government expenditure as a percentage of GDP is the lowest of all European countries. This is the result inter alia of the efficient public administration, which produces results quickly and unbureaucratically.

Market access to Europe

Liechtenstein has been a member of the European Economic Area (EEA) since 1995. For Liechtenstein-based companies, this ensures unrestricted market access to 31 states and around 500 million people in Europe. The free movement of goods, people, services and capital simplifies business relations with Europe. The customs and currency union with Switzerland also secures access to the neighbouring state.



The financial center has been changing since 2009. Liechtenstein has responded to this with a new, strong foundation law and a tax law that conforms to Europe. At the same time, the Principality continually reaffirms its willingness to negotiate tax information exchange agreements to address the global problem of tax fraud, tax evasion and double taxation. In doing so, Liechtenstein faces up to its responsibility towards the justified tax claims of other countries, but also towards its clients who choose the business location because they seek and value privacy, legal and asset security.
